You have a new PC, and you want to get the most out of it by upgrading some parts. You take it to the local computer store, find red and black cables that you think might be related to your PC, and head for the counter for help. The “Dr Tech Reviews” member tells you that those cables aren’t compatible with your PC but that he has something much better in stock if you upgrade your motherboard and processor.

Which PC Hardware Components Should You Upgrade First?

As the PC market moves toward using more standard hardware components, we continue to see an increase in the number of people who want to upgrade their computers. While there are certainly a handful of components that one can reasonably expect to replace on their own, some components are best left to professionals. We’ve put together a small list of things to consider when deciding whether or not you should upgrade your hardware yourself:

The component is relatively inexpensive. Chances are, if you’re looking for advice on whether or not you should upgrade something, it’s probably not something that costs hundreds of dollars to replace in and of itself. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look into replacing it; this means that if you end up upgrading, the cost will likely be minimal.

The component is necessary to system functionality. If it turns out that you don’t need a new graphics card because your current one has plenty of life left in it and can run all of your games at maximum settings, but all your friends have newer cards, then maybe it’s worth spending the money on a replacement.

You’ve never upgraded anything before and aren’t comfortable with the process. If you’re like most people and have never actually had to take apart a computer.

How To Choose Which PC Hardware Components To Upgrade?

If you’re planning to build your very own gaming computer, you have to make sure that you’ll be able to play all the games that you want in the future. It’s a good idea to upgrade your hardware components once in a while so that you can play the latest games with ease. But how do you know which hardware components are worth upgrading? Here are some tips:

Consider your budget. You don’t need a lot of money to get the latest gaming PC. Once you’ve figured out your budget, look for components that will help you get the most return for your money.

Test different games. Before spending any money on new components, test some of your favorite and newest games. Play them in their default settings first and then set them up to the highest settings possible. If some of these games run smoothly on your current PC, then there’s no need to upgrade just yet. However, if they run slowly or take a long time to load, then it’s probably time for an upgrade.

Have realistic expectations about your system’s capabilities. Certain components will always be more important than others for gaming performance — CPU, RAM, and graphics card (GPU) are some of these components.

How To Get The Most Out of PC Upgrades?

Let’s face it. Upgrades are a part of life in the world of PC. Whether you’re upgrading your operating system, adding more RAM, or replacing your hard drive with a solid-state drive, it’s all about making things better. But how do you get the most out of PC upgrades?

Tinkering is fun and cool for gaming PCs and home theater PC setups, but not everyone can afford to dive down the rabbit hole of hardware tech forums and custom water cooling. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your PC upgrades without spending a fortune or breaking the bank:

Change Your Monitor Resolution

When performing a CPU upgrade or installing new RAM, don’t forget to update your monitor resolution. If you don’t change this setting, you’ll be stuck with whatever your computer is capable of outputting at its lowest resolution. This can make everything on your screen appear blurry and lower quality than it should be. By navigating to Display settings in Windows or System Preferences on the Mac, you can change the monitor’s resolution. Choose an HD option like 1280×720. If you have a 1080p HD monitor, use 1920×1080 instead.

Is My PC Ready For an Upgrade?

If you’re considering upgrading your existing system, it’s important to understand what’s inside. The easiest way to do that is to open the case and look.

But there are plenty of other things to consider before pulling the trigger on a new PC. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

How Old is My Current PC?

If it’s more than four years old, it’s probably time for an upgrade. You can double its speed and memory for not much more than the price of a new one, which is one of the reasons why PCs remain popular even as tablets have taken off.

How Do I Use My Computer?

If you’re looking at gaming or CAD software, you’ll need more powerful components than someone who uses their computer for email, web surfing, and document creation.

What Kind of Video Do I Need?

Gaming laptops tend to pack powerful graphics cards and be found on Laptop Papa, but they can cost as much as $3,000 and require a dedicated power supply. Do your research first to avoid surprises. You can also find some other videos and gaming components on Gaming Silk.

Do I Want a Touchscreen?

Touch screens are certainly cool, but they’re also more expensive and tend to drain battery life more quickly. Consider that before plunking down cash on a touchscreen laptop if that’s not something you want or need.


Upgrading a machine is one of the most rewarding things a computer owner can do. This beast has countless tricks and features, so the manufacturer never had enough space for them all into such a limited area. Upgrades are meant to spice up your computer and bring it back from the grave. If you want to upgrade your PC, you will have to choose exactly which components need replacement and how much money you are willing to spend.

By Manali