
It helps pregnant ladies during their pregnancy with the changes that occur to their bodies. Pregnancy massage London spa is use to help a pregnant lady in reducing stress, pain, and swelling in the arms and legs, relieving muscle and joint pain. Massage during pregnancy involves many different types of massages usually it is a gentle massage. This massage is also called prenatal massage.

The massage therapist should b professional and well trained. They should have known how to handle a pregnant body. Because every pregnancy is unique and many changes occur to the body. Prenatal massage comes with many benefits for a pregnant lady.

Like alleviating neck and back pain, reducing labor pain during childbirth, reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, lifting depression, helps you to sleep better. And also lessening postoperative pain.

Pain relief:

Many changes occur to the body during pregnancy like the abdomen growing outward, postures changes, stress on the joints and muscles causing lower back pain, neck pain, pelvic pain, shoulders, and sciatic nerve pain. A professional prenatal massage therapist can relieve all these pains and stress on the body by prenatal massage.

Reduce swelling:

Swelling is normal during pregnancy. Legs, ankles, and feet produce more buildup fluid because the growing uterus puts pressure on the veins of the legs. This massage helps you to reduce the fluid buildup and also in decreasing the swelling and pain in the legs.

Better sleep:

The changes in the body and physical discomfort, as well as stress and anxiety during pregnancy, make it difficult to sleep for a pregnant lady. Massage helps you in reducing stress and anxiety and also helps in improving sleep and insomnia.

Relaxation and stress reduction:

Prenatal massage is use to boost mood and enhance well-being. A pregnant lady takes more stress than a normal person this massage helps in reducing stress and gives a series of relaxation to a lady. It significantly decreases stress hormones and enhanced the immune system.

Prepare your body for labor and birth:

Massage during pregnancy helps you to have an easier delivery. Because it reduces your stress level and also it can keep your muscle toned and relaxed in advance of the start of the labor. A professional massage therapist can help in decreasing stress, anxiety, and even depression with the help of massage.

Swedish massage:

Swedish massage aims to relax the tension on muscles and also even reduces stress and anxiety. Many therapists and doctors recommend this massage during pregnancy. It helps to improve lymphatic and blood circulation through mild pressure applied on the body and the group of muscles in the body.

Because it addresses many discomforts with the skeleton that occurs during pregnancy. And also addresses the circulatory changes brought on by the hormone shift.

Is pregnancy massage different from other massages?

Yes, massage during is different from other massages. A pregnant lady’s body must be handled very gently and carefully. It must be properly positioned and supported during the massage.

In massage, during pregnancy, you should be laying on your side rather than laying on your stomach or back. Pillows, bolsters, and padding can be use during pregnancy massage London spa for the comfort of the lady. It is also use to support the back, knees, and feet. Your massage therapist will tell you about the position and posture you will be laid during the massage.

Massage during pregnancy is gentle, light and must be handled very carefully. Message therapists use pressure on body parts distant from the belly like your shoulders. And also the pressure is lighter than what you use in normal massage therapies.

Safety and risky during pregnancy massage: 

Always get an appointment from a certified massage therapist who has proper training in prenatal massage. Only a professional massage therapist knows how to handle your pregnant body. which position and posture are suitable for you during the massage.

 And also how much pressure your body needs so he did not puts unnecessary pressure on your body. And which techniques are safe to use with you.

During pregnancy make sure which oil is safe for you because there is concern that some oils may trigger uterine contraction. Be sure to ask your therapist about his license or consult your doctor for a suggestion.

Good massage centers make sure to provide you with the best and clean environment. So, you can enjoy your massage. Make sure to drink a lot of water before the massage because pregnancy massage London spa is might be a dehydrated process and stay hydrated after the massage.

There are so many spa and massage centers that offer the best massage to a lady during her pregnancy. Like, Meridian Spa, which makes sure that they are giving their services at their best. Or even the best in the country. So you can enjoy your time during the massage.

By Manali