Amazon Seller

Find a key differentiator. What is the main issue that customers have that your competitors are not addressing? Make your products stand out and address all the essential reasons as to why your customers would need your product. You can start by checking your competitor’s amazon product reviews from their customers. What are the customers’ reactions to their products? What do most customers love about these products? What complaints do the customers have about the product? From the information you collect from the product reviews, you will be able to pinpoint those pain points. You can now portray these changes in your images and copywriting and increase sales for your business. And do not foray into this alone, work with brand accelerators like who can guide you through expansion and eventual acquisition. 

  • Register your brand

Get your brand registered. Legally register your brand; do this to avoid someone else selling fake products using your brand name. Registering can be an expensive and time-consuming process; however, it’s a necessary step. Another benefit of trademarking is, it unlocks the Amazon A+ content feature. This feature helps boost your sales as it allows you to describe your brand values, mission, and product beyond the standard bullet points and description. The A+ content is located on the Seller central through the Advertising dropdown menu.

  • Optimize Product Details for Search

Amazon sells hundreds of thousands of products a day and online shoppers must search, compare, and find the best product before buying. Amazon allows shoppers to modify their initial search by different product attributes; also, shoppers can type a specific product detail. Whatever the method the shopper uses, they will narrow down the exact item they wanted. To increase sales, the seller should ensure that their products end up on top of the product search. Amazon uses the information provided by the seller to match the shopper’s search with your product. Provide genuine detailed information to Amazon about your product for better successful results. The product information includes the description, search terms, title, size, and color. Product management can be tedious. Most sellers prefer using apps such as Product Information Management to help their product data. These apps can help sellers, especially when selling across multiple marketplaces. Creating outside the content to drive traffic to your Amazon product listing. If you sell a product that belongs to a specific niche, you can create a separate website with detailed information about the product to educate consumers about the niche. It can be a simple WordPress site with pages covering specific niche related information.

  • Choose Products that go Wide with Keywords

The competition is fierce and popular Amazon seller tips such as trying to regularly launch new and high-quality products can be a good strategy. However, be sure to source the perfect products that go wide with keywords. What does going wide with keywords mean? Choose a few potential products, then diversify and expand your keywords to beat competitors and get your product ranked at the top of the search to gain sales. Products with fewer keywords will have a low success rate competing with the well-established seller with great amazon product reviews. Boosting your Amazon SEO will help optimize your product listing to improve your chances of winning a sale. Use tools such as Keyword scout and running reverse ASIN search on your competitors’ products. Enter your competitors ASIN, enter it into the Keyword scout and the tool will display all of your competitors’ high ranking keywords and analyze which keywords are suitable to use. 

Most established Amazon sellers do not consider using relevant ranking keywords. This negligence can be the perfect opportunity for you to grow your business despite the number of reviews you have.

  • Use Product Reviews

Product reviews can be a good or bad thing for your business. When a customer leaves a useful review, this helps to attract more shoppers while a bad review can put off buyers, leading to a decrease in your sales and the trust buyers have for you. You can’t control the reviews, and this is the first thing buyers check before making a purchase. Product reviews are the mirrors to your business, and it’s essential to take some time to encourage your customers to leave positive reviews after making a purchase.

Sending an email to your customer thanking them for making a purchase and requesting them to leave a review is the first start to having a conversation with your customers. You will get to know the customer’s experience when they were purchasing, and you will get to solve any issues they might have before they leave a bad review. Amazon does not allow fake reviews, and many sellers have hundreds of unverified 5-star reviews, especially on electronic products. Never resort to this tactic, most customers can identify fake reviews, and they will report faulty products. Amazon is always alert in identifying fake reviews. Buyers need to trust you to buy your products, so focus on getting genuine reviews. 

  • Focus on Customer Service 

Customer service is essential when online shopping. The way you interact with your customers proves you care and that you are a real person who is ready to address their issues. Excellent customer service has numerous benefits, such as customer retention, and it can turn first-time shoppers into lifelong customers. Customers prefer sellers who make an extra effort to address their needs. As an Amazon seller, to be successful you need to be able to respond to customer’s inquiries on time, be professional, be able to handle returns, and make the customer a top priority. Customer service is a lot of hard work; however, it’s one of the vital components of your success.

  • Integrate Amazon with your other Business Platform

If Amazon is your main selling channel, it does not have to be your only channel. You might also consider selling in your web store or any popular platforms such as eBay. If this is interesting, then consider connecting sales channels like Amazon with backend systems such as ERP. By integrating, you can sync data such as your orders, items, inventories, shipping, and customer information between Amazon and other methods. This process will help to avoid delays from manual data entries, costs, and errors.

  • Invest in Advanced Tools

As a newcomer, you may have a limited budget for professional online store management tools. Nevertheless, even the minimum investment in tools can become a guiding hand. Choosing the proper Amazon seller app is the best strategy to streamline reporting, repricing, and product review management.

Another advantage of modern technology for Amazon sellers is accessing relevant data regarding your online store’s performance. Imagine a single platform with tools and features to back up your store’s development and boost sales in a few clicks!

  • Consider Influencer Marketing Strategies

The customer tends to buy products from trusted, well-known brands or referrals from close friends and family. Influencer marketing is one of the more reliable marketing strategies to increase Amazon sales. An influencer is someone in the public eye or with a large audience of followers who agrees to review and promote your product to their followers who trust them. This way, you are connecting with new and potential buyers whom you wouldn’t have reached. You can get these potential customers by sourcing and connecting with influencers who focus on the genre of product that you sell. You can contact the influencers through social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat or their blogs. For instance, if you sell beauty products on Amazon, you can connect with makeup artists and influencers who deal with beauty products on their platforms. You can ask them to try the products some samples of your products, and if they love them, then they can promote the products to their followers. This marketing move will depend more on how you negotiate with the influencers, direct communication with them is the best way to outline your expectations and also discuss any issues or updates that might be important to deal with. Another simple way to save your time on researching the right influencer is the use of sites such as Social Bakers. This site helps to promote influencers, and you can contact them to assist you in getting the right influence who will promote your products.

By Manali

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