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Microsoft outlook helps us to communicate and stay connected to world around us. It assists with email scheduling and management, as well as meetings, keeping track of to-do lists, business and personal appointments, and more.
What causes the [pii_email_e7f71c0780ae9baa16c2] error?
The [pii email e7f71c0780ae9baa16c2] problem is most commonly caused by an error during the installation process, and Outlook conflicts with other applications on your computer. Additionally, there is a risk that numerous accounts are being utilised on the device in some circumstances. Sometimes not having updated version can also cause this issue.
![How to solve [pii_email_e7f71c0780ae9baa16c2] error?](
Follow below ways to understand how to solve [pii_email_e7f71c0780ae9baa16c2] error?
Four ways are –
Check for latest version
- Check if the latest version of Outlook is compatible with your laptop or computer. Go ahead update outlook and remove the previous version.
- Once you update the previous version your files will be retrieved in the new version.
- If case a new version of Microsoft Office is installed, make sure to take a backup of the important files.
If [pii_email_e7f71c0780ae9baa16c2] error is not resolved, try second option
Check cookies and cache
Another reason for this error could be not clearing cache and cookies
- Clear the Outlook cookies and cache by going to the File and Options menu.
- After that, log out of your Microsoft Outlook account. If you have several accounts, make sure you log out of all of them.
- Restart or shut down the laptop or computer, then turn it back on. Log in to your Microsoft account and check if issue is resolved.
Even after using the second method, if you are unable to solve [pii_email_e7f71c0780ae9baa16c2] error, try third option
Check an auto repair tool
For automatic correction and repair of the problem occurring in Microsoft Outlook we can use this tool.
- Go to the control panel and look for the tool’s function setup. From there, you may learn more about the software.
- Open Office 365 application and for repair select Microsoft application.
- Choose the type of fix that is necessary
- Click on selected fix and follow the commands displayed on window’s screen.
Usually by now your [pii_email_e7f71c0780ae9baa16c2] error should resolve, if not then you can try out the last way to fix [pii_email_e7f71c0780ae9baa16c2] error.
Check for any third party email application
Sometimes reason could be having more than one email application installed.
- Whenever individual uses outlook the conflict between two email applications can cause the issue
- To ensure a smoother working environment, delete any untrusted sources or third-party applications from the computer.
- Reopen Microsoft Outlook to see if issue is resolved
We hope the above steps assisted you in resolving the [pii_email_e7f71c0780ae9baa16c2] error in Outlook. Even if the error persists, we recommend contacting Outlook support directly for thorough assistance.