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А lot of people who have gone abroad or are just planning to leave face such a problem as finding a job. In fact, this is not an easy task, but you need to be diligent and not give up. Before you start looking for a job abroad, you need to have a clear idea of what this move will give you in the future. It is worth considering the knowledge of the language and your own professional orientation, in simple words, education, will help you decide on the choice of the country. In this article, we will look at three countries, namely: the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, and the most effective ways to find a job in these places.
Why should look for job in the UAE?
The Arab Emirates is a country where there is career growth, and it is quite difficult for a foreign citizen to immediately get a highly paid position.
Therefore, in this article we, will try to analyze the easiest way to find a job. Service personnel (line personnel) is the largest link in any country, low-skilled personnel, which accordingly has a high demand. In our case, for the UAE, the most suitable option is the hotel business. We all know that the best and most expensive hotels are located in the UAE, which is, in fact, the highlight of this country.
Let’s find out why the best hotels are located in the United Arab Emirates?
The country is very young, but at the same time, it entered the TOP of countries with the most prosperous economy as a matter of priority. Up to 20 million people visit this country every year! Therefore, it is not surprising that there are more than a thousand hotels in the emirate of Dubai alone, but construction continues, more and more hotels are opening, and, accordingly, a labor force is needed to earn money.
In our case, we have a huge number of hotels that require a lot of staff, but how exactly to get a job? It may seem to you that everything is easy and simple, but as long-term practice shows, if you do not use the services of recruiting agencies, many problems arise that cannot always be overcome.
What do you need to know about the United Arab Emirates?
The first thing you should know is that the salaries in the United Arab Emirates are small, and this refers to the fact that the employer fully supports his employees, that is you. All your needs: flight, accommodation, food, work visa, medical insurance, uniform – all these expenses are paid by the employer. You get a net salary in your hands, pluses to the salary – “monthly bonuses”, “tips” if you have earned them. Therefore, it is not recommended to create illusions for yourself that you can find in a hotel with a salary of 2000-3000 dollars. Unfortunately, this does not happen. On average, in the contract, the base salary will be from 400 to 800 dollars, depending on the position, I described the rest of the salary bonuses above. If everything suits you, then now we are considering the three most suitable options for how to achieve what you want.
Where to start looking for a job?
The first option is free, where you send out your resumes to all hotels and agencies. I would like to delete this option from the list right away since it is not working. Very rarely, they can take a candidate from the “street”, but this is if you are very lucky.
The second option is to find a reliable recruiting agency on the Internet or in your city, which does not change the meaning. You can use, where they will advise you and competently draw up a good resume. Where you only need to say your requirements, wishes for the agency, and a small financial investment after signing the contract. There is a big plus in this – they are looking for suitable vacancies for you, and you live your normal life having a guarantee of safety and reliability.
The third option is to be present in person in a country where the employer can see you face-to-face, which greatly increases your chances. By my calculations, you will spend six months of your salary on this search. Is it worth it? Those candidates who go to the UAE to look for work have decent financial capital, and they are not looking for a place in a hotel, but are immediately looking for a job with a salary of at least $3,000. As my many years of experience show, the most guaranteed option for the United Arab Emirates is the second one.
How to get a job in Qatar?
Consider a country like Qatar, which is one of the richest countries in the Middle East. It is in this country that you combine a stable income and comfort.
Layboard International Recruitment Agency helps Indian citizens find high-paying and safe jobs from trusted employers abroad. Luxury hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, etc. are located in the cities of Qatar. Here salaries are above average:
- Here you can get from 1000-2000 dollars of net income, working in restaurants and hotels.
- Fitness trainers can earn 2500-5000 dollars,
- a specialist in the field of trade – from $250
- Kindergarten teacher – from $150
- school teacher – from 2500 dollars per month.
To apply for a job in Qatar, an applicant must:
- find an employer who also acts as his sponsor and guarantor;
- conclude an employment contract with the company;
- Open work visa and residence permit.
The agency checks the contract for compliance of the document with the interests of the applicant and all the norms of the law. This is a significant advantage of finding work through professionals. The largest number of professions is open to those who want to find work in Qatar in the field of tourism and services: hotel employees, bartenders, hostesses, nail masters, salespeople, employees of restaurants, fitness clubs, entertainment, and shopping centers, beauty salons. Therefore, it is realistic for people of mass professions to find a highly paid vacancy. Among the main criteria that apply to the applicant from employers:
- age from 21 years old
- availability of documents confirming qualifications in the chosen field
- good knowledge of English.
How to find a job in Kuwait?
For work in Kuwait, it is better to choose large cities where the infrastructure is better developed, and the capital of Kuwait is well suited. It is here that foreigners are gladly hired. On average, a job in Kuwait can generate an income of $600-700 per month. Today it is quite possible to have an interview without leaving your country, send documents in electronic form, check with a lawyer, and study the contract. It is very important.
So where to start looking for a job in Kuwait?
To begin with, carefully study the requirements for candidates. You must match what you write on your resume. I also advise beginners to contact a work abroad jobs agency. They will advise you, to select a suitable vacancy and professionally approach the paperwork. In this country, you need an agreement with the employer, which is controlled by government agencies. Unlike other states of the Persian Gulf, despite the high standard of living, there are pleasant prices for food and housing, where you can fully provide for yourself. Sometimes you can live in hotels where you will work, but you need to understand that in this case, the salary will be lower.
If you have a diploma and work experience, you can apply for the position of a doctor, manager, or engineer in the oil and gas industry. If you do not have such qualifications, you can find a lower-grade job. Work for girls in beauty salons as a beautician or hairdresser. You can find good jobs in the hotel and restaurant business. You must understand that level of your spoken English in case communicating with a client is simply necessary! Before you go abroad, you should take care of yourself and take this matter seriously.