American Samoa is currently the best place to start an LLC. With the creation of an online portal, the entire process is flexible and easier. American Samoa limited liability companies have many benefits h including; an easy and quick registration process; low renewal fees; privacy; no annual filings and no required accounting standards. That said, anyone can form a limited liability company in American Samoa as long as they meet the following criteria and requirements;

  1.     Be at least 18 years old

You can only become eligible to start an LLC if you are 18 years old. Note that all the states forbid minors from forming limited liability companies.

  1.      Decide on the name of the company

You can only form a limited liability company if you have chosen a name for it. You can choose anything like the name of your company as long as the word is legal in your state and the name hasn’t been used by another existing company. For example, if you are starting your LLC in American Samoa, you need to take note that words like Bank, Assurance, Building Society, Chartered, Chamber of Commerce, Cooperative, Insurance, Imperial, Royal, or Municipal cannot be used by offshore companies. However, you might instead be obligated to end the name of your limited liability with letters such as LLC or Ltd.

  1.     Have an office address and a local agent

Only members with an office address can obtain an LLC in American Samoa. Members, therefore, need both an office address and a registered local agent to obtain a limited liability company registration.

  1.     Have at least one director

To form a limited liability company in American Samoa, you must have at least one director. The director could be resident anywhere in the world and not necessarily in American Samoa.

  1.     You do not need to be a citizen

American Samoa is particularly interested in attracting international businesses to come and invest within the state. Therefore, you do not need to be a citizen of the US or a resident of American Samoa before establishing an LLC but you will have to fulfil all the requirements stipulated by the law.

By Manali