If you are interested in becoming a successful authorised builder in the region of Victoria, you must know that even when most tradies fail the test on their first attempt, it is possible to succeed. However, it is essential to prepare with a professional institution that is able to provide you with both theoretical information, as well as hands-on experience. You need to keep in mind that all building licences are handled and issued by the Victorian Building Authority (VBA). Whether you are interested in working as a domestic or a commercial builder, it is highly recommended to invest some time in making sure that you attend a reliable school.

A high quality educational institute will set you ready to complete your test and get approved as soon as possible. In this article, we will provide you with some valuable advice and tips when it comes to getting your builders licence in Victoria, so keep reading and prepare for your next big step in your career.

What it takes to become an authorised builder in Victoria

There are some pre-requirements that you must fulfil before showing up for your official examination. Among the most important things to bear in mind, we can mention your registration to perform building work, which has to be valued at more than $10,000 and before you start to work, it necessarily has to be certified by the Victorian Building Authority (VBA). If you are going to do domestic building, remember that you only need to be registered with the VBA in Victoria when tasks have a cost of more than $10,000.

What you need to consider when preparing for the test

While there are some options to learn what you need in order to pass the mandatory builder test to work in Victoria, all traditional schools are quite pricey with costs that easily reach thousands of dollars. Another significant disadvantage of brick-and-mortar institutions is that they lack flexibility, requiring you to attend the classes physically and in most courses you will have limited service times to choose from, meaning that the classes can overlap or conflict with your normal routine, making it an overwhelming experience. As surprising as this may sound, only 62% of those people who studied at a traditional learning institution manage to pass the test and obtain the licence. 

Other alternatives and the benefits

If you are interested in a creative learning method to obtain your Victoria builders licence, you might try BRIQ, which has different plans with budget-friendly options, and the most important advantage is that it has a rate of success of 100%. Yes, all students who have prepared with this method have passed the test and gotten their work permit, meaning that this is a great investment in your career. Their creators have designed a fun approach that applies games to learning, using personalised content aided by a gaming environment. Another great reason to choose this method is that you will be able to study at your own pace and wherever you want, since you will have easy access through your phone.

By Manali