Toddlerhood is remarked by better understanding of human emotions. They slowly are expanding their emotional spectrum. There is also the understanding of their behavior, the implications of their actions, a better grasp of the language.

Due to these changes, parents also then need to equip themselves to decipher the underlying meaning behind their toddler’s action. This then helps them in connecting with their child better as well.

However, not all parents are able to get these cues. This can then frustrate the toddler, and then the parents as well. So, we have rounded up some of the popular behaviors with their explanation!

Understanding some toddler behaviors

Being a picky eater

Being a picky eater is not simply your child being difficult, but it is a more complex issue. Most parents get frustrated with their child constantly nit picking food. They also then have to take their child to the Pediatrician in Lahore as lack of adequate nutrition leads to problems with wellbeing in the child.

There are various reasons why your child may start to become picky when it comes to food; they might be experiencing stress in their lives, which makes them feel so. Similarly, they might be so busy with their running about and playing that food does not become a priority with them.

So, try to at least work on this problem by offering them different cooking techniques, ensuring that their palate is broad etc. They might not outgrow this problem, so do also consider talking to an expert about this issue.

Eye contact issues

Toddlers also develop a habit of not being able to maintain eye contact. Often, this is because they know that they made a faux pas. Most toddlers do get the basic hang of what they aren’t supposed to do, so they realize their mistakes.

Rather than them lashing out at them, a more constructive approach would be to tell them this behavior is not okay. Tell them it was wrong without casting judgments. Let them know that mistakes are okay to make, and they won’t be reprimanded for it.

Hiding out

Toddlers can become shy when they meet new people; they might hide behind things or their parents, or even try to hide their face in their clothing as well.

Hiding out is their signal of anxiety. They are not comfortable meeting people, and they don’t know how to evade their situation. Naturally, we as adults can also become overwhelmed in new crowds, so it should not be any different for children.

In such situations, try to reassure your child. Coerce them nicely to meet new people. Help them with the introductions. Don’t try to shame them into being shy but encourage them.

Racket when their demands are being met

Even when parents are fulfilling their commands, toddlers can get too impatient. They throw a ruckus, which can make things harder for the parents.

So, don’t try to cede to their demands just to quiet them. Tell your child you are getting them the thing, and they need to wait. Try to draw out time, so that your child learns patience over time. 

Biting and hitting

Toddlers can also develop the habit of biting and hitting, not just others, but themselves as well. Rather than getting angry with the child, understand where the aggression is coming from.

At this point, they have started experiencing different forms of anger, but they are not able to understand or express themselves, which can make them frustrated. So, they look for physical ways to relay this feeling.

Instead of yelling at them or even hitting them, try to talk them out of it. Show them how their behavior is not acceptable. Tell them how to process this in a healthy fashion. Otherwise, they might continue with their behavior, and may partake in self harm that then merits a visit to Dr. Ibrahim Yusuf then.

By Manali