Due to its medicinal properties, many people are now using CBD to treat different ailments, from mental illnesses to physical ones. Although the use of CBD for treatment has reached mainstream media, many people still believe it can only be used to treat life-threatening and chronic diseases like cancer, stroke, mental illness, etc. Unknown to many people, CBD can also be used to treat other minor ailments like headache, acne, cough, etc. This is why in this post, we will be focusing on one of the minor ailments CBD can be used to treat—cough!

So in case, you’ve been suffering from a cough for a while now, and you’ve been wondering if you can use CBD to treat it. Well, you can. CBD is good for treating cough and some other respiratory problems like COPD. 

In case you are new to CBD and are wondering where you can find this substance. You can search online for CBD dispensaries near you. 

Suppose this is your first time hearing about CBD, you’ve come to the right page. Aside from discussing how CBD can be used to treat coughs, we will also be talking about what CBD is and the various ways you can use it. 

What is CBD?

Cannabinoid, shortly known as CBD, is one of the chemicals extracted from Cannabis sativa (marijuana). There have been many controversies about the effects of CBD on human health. This is because marijuana is known for its psychotic effect on users.

Unknown to many, this psychotic effect of marijuana is caused by another chemical produced by the plant, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),  which affects the brain in a certain way.

Thankfully, the use of CBD doesn’t cause a psychotic effect. It only makes its users more calm and relaxed. 

How is CBD Used?

CBD comes in different forms. You can use it in extracts, capsules, tincture vapes, patches, oils, and even lotions for topical skin application.

CBD is used in different ways to treat different ailments, but the most common form of CBD used is CBD oil.

How are CBD Oils Gotten?

CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant and then diluted with carrier oils such as coconut oil or hemp seed oil to produce CBD oil. These oils have gained a lot of popularity in the health and wellness world in the past few years.

Do They Work For Cough?

Coughing is a mechanism your body uses to expel irritants like mucus from your throat or airways. Depending on the cause, a cough can be acute or chronic and can last from some days to a couple of weeks or even months.

Causes of cough include viruses (cold and flu), allergies, asthma, postnasal drip, acid reflux, irritants, COPD, inflammation of the lungs, sleep apnea, Bronchiectasis, Bronchiolitis, smoking, pneumonia, etc.

CBD oil is also being considered as a possible natural alternative treatment for symptoms of cough as it decreases hyperresponsiveness in the airways.

This means it makes the lungs less sensitive to your asthma triggers. In turn, you will experience less distress and symptoms such as coughing.

How To Administer Cbd Oil For Cough

There are several ways of administering CBD oil. While a method may work for some, it may not be as effective for others. So you may need to try out different methods to see which works best for you. 

Meanwhile, here are some of the common methods of administering CBD oil.

Use a CBD tincture

The fastest way to get relief from cough is to use a CBD oil tincture.

Follow the following steps while using a tincture.

  • Take 1 – 2 drops with the dropper that comes with the product.
  • Put the drops beneath your tongue
  • Wait for 20 to 30 minutes and then swallow.

You should feel the CBD working between 15 to 30 minutes. If the product comes as a spitz, then spray once inside both sides of your cheek.

Take a Capsule

Be sure to be consistent with the doses when using a CBD capsule. Also, capsules won’t cause irritation to your throat or airways.

You can get CBD capsules from a dispensary, an online store, or a drugstore. 

Follow the prescription on the label to avoid an overdose. You should start seeing its effect 30 to 90 minutes after taking it.

Use An Edible CBD Product

Some edible products like candy and cookies can also contain CBD. While it can be a fun way of administering CBD, it takes a longer time to work, and the results can be inconsistent.

If you’re considering this option, you can find snacks containing CBD in grocery stores, dispensaries, and even drugstores.

Although CBD oil can be used to decrease inflammation in your airways, much research hasn’t been carried out on this claim. Therefore it should not be used as the primary treatment for any lung condition whatsoever.

So, if you have any condition that throws you into a coughing fit or impairs your breathing, such as COPD or asthma, you should consult your doctor before considering CBD oil as a treatment option.

By Manali